Saturday, March 8, 2014

Begin at the Beginning

I suppose I should start with the usual stuff about me. I'm a 20-something mom of one adorable little girl, and wife of one amazing not-so-little man. I have a house, a dog, and two black thumbs. (I have killed mint. MINT. Anyone that has ever grown mint knows it's practically unkillable.) I have a job that isn't my favorite, but it pays the bills.

I am pretty un-exciting. (Just ask the friends I never have time to hang out with.) My idea of a great vacation is being in a hotel with nowhere to be, no one to take care of, a laptop, and some books. Last week, I had that, and it was glorious.

Back from my week-long vacation, during which I scarfed all of the carbs I could get my hands on, this is the day I begin the "keto" or "LCHF" diet. (Low Carb, High Fat)

My husband tried fasting (10 days) about a month ago, and loved the way he felt. As a method of continuing those good feelings from being in ketosis (and hopefully losing a little weight), we decided to give LCHF a try.

We've both been doing some research online, but he wants to try just winging it for a while. (He does most of the cooking.) Try to get the right proportions in our meals, and not worry so much about counts.

We'll see how it goes...

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